i spent most of my teen and young adult years obese topping the scales at 21 stone and a size 26 at just 19 years old.... i was miserable. When i went to university i had a horrid first year... can you believe that i was teased at university for my size... this only made matters worse as i would comfort eat, even sneeking down in the night to the communal kitchen late at night to make sandwiches packed with peanut butter.
luckily my second year at university i made some great friends and life began to get better, this meant that during my last year at university i manage to loose some weight by changing my diet i managed to loose about 3 stone. after universiy i went on a ski season which saw me drop to 13.5 stone and a size 14... i was ecstatic... i couldnt believe after so many years of being unhappy with my body i had finally done it i was 24
i managed to hold this weight for a couple of years but then due to changes in jobs and a bad break up the weight crept up little by little until christmas 2008 when i was weighing in at just over 18stone...... i decided enough was enough and i needed to get back on track and into the gym as i did not want to end up back at 21 stone i couldnt bear the thought of going back to that.... its amazing how weight can affect your confidence and general enjoyment of life... i was miserable and i knew it had to be changed.
i began by joining Hoofers gym and joined their PGS (personal Group System) this was were a few times a week you could book in and train with a personal trainer with a small group of people, most of the time it was just me or 1 or 2 others. i did this 3 times a week and also came in on my own when i could. During this start up period i trained with various staff at hoofers who have all been amazing in supporting me through this, but i struck a particular bond with Toby Liddiard who gave me the confidence and strength to really work at it.... even when i was down and out Toby could pick me up and get me working.
when i first joined the gym the one thing i said i wouldnt do was go on the treadmill the thought of people watching me bounce around like a sweaty blob was not something i could bear plus ive never run in my life id even get out of it in school pe classes. but slowly and surely my confidene grew with the help of toby and eventually i got onto the treadmill... initially i was just walking, then walking uphill, gradually i began to pick up my speed until eventually i was adding in little runs, id walk for 2 mins run for 2 mins and gradually i built up the time i was running for and the speed.
i have built up my running by interval training, i have also done ab work outs, spin sessions, circuit training, resistance training and much more, i have recently also joined a triathlon club who i train with each thursday.
whilst out on a gym night out with my trainers and friends they suggested the TRent family 5K... i thought why not ill give it a go and then there i was waiting at the start line of my first ever run! when i completed this in 33 mins without stopping i couldnt believe it the feeling was amazing i wanted more so i then set my sights on the anthony noland bone marrow 10k which i completed in april in 1 hr 7 mins no record but again i ran the whole way.
soon i had my sights set even higher the Nottingham triathlon a 750m open water swim, 20k bike and 5k run... i was a good swimmer but i didnt have a bike and well we know im not the best runner but i thought what the hell. by this time in april i had managed to shed 2 stone and i was still loosing.
i have always wanted to have a go at a triathlon but never thought i would be able to... mainly because of my fitness levels and the fact i couldnt run.... however it was time to change and the triathlon gave me something to aim for.
so i began to train specifically for the triathlon, i got myself a rd bike and joined a triathlon club. over the next few months i shed another 2 stone and before i knew it the triathlon was here.... all i remember is being stood in my wet suit by the edge of the lake full of nerves and wondering if this was such a good idea.... next thing i was in the water treading water whilst waiting for the horn to blow... then we were off.... it was manic white water arms and legs all around me.... it was all i could do not to panic and just concentrate on doing one stroke after another.... before i knew it i was up and running out the lake to the first transition... i tore of my wet suit, slapped on my bike helmet and shoes and grabbed my bike ... as i ran out of transition with my bike my heart was pounding with all the adrenaline i jumped on and began to ride and began to settle onto a groove and slow down my heart a bit... it was 20 very hard kilometers but again before i knew what had happened i was dropping my bike and helmet and heading out for the 5k run.... my legs were screaming they felt like they didnt belong to me but i pushed on through.... as i ran i just kept thinking one foot infront of the other.... the finish line was a welcome sight and i even managed a last minute sprint over the line! it was amazing. i finished in 1hr 55, certainly not an olympic time but for a girl who only 8 months ago had never run a step in her life it was a huge achievement!
Since the triathlon in august i have also completed my first half marathon 13.1 miles(the robin hood half) on sept 13th 2009 in 2hrs 33 mins.
the trathlon season is now ending but i have my sights on a couple of duathlons (running and biking) and i hope to aim for the 70.3 iron man next year.
the key to my success has been keeping a varied programme, and finding a trainer who could inspire me. i train a lot 5 days a week between 7-12 hours a week however this is because i enjoy it so much and i have built this up gradually over the past 8 months.
i now weigh just under 14stone and a small size 16 im happy, im fit and ive found a new passion for triathlons... i hope to loose some more but its more about toning up for me now as im 5'9".
i believe loosing weight has more than just an affect on you looks, its great for your health and mental well being too. it truely changes your life, i am a far more positive and happy person now, i enjoy life and im not constantly worrying about what people think of me. loosing the weight for me has given me a new goal in life, i have been so inspired by my trainer that i am now looking to train as a personal trainer myself, i cant think of anything better to do with my life than make people feel the way i do now. i want to work with those that are too afraid to come to the gym, or dont believe it will work and show them where i have come from and that with a little hard work it is possible. the great thing is its only hard to start with... after that it becomes a way of life thats enjoyable and beneficial.
i hope to raise the money to do my course for personal training by next year, and im also thinking about looking for sponsership to help me do it.
my life has now changed for the better.... i cant thank Toby and everyone who has supported me enough. Now its my turn to do the sam for others.
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