early this year i was working in my full time job as a venue manager fo nottingham Trent as well as working between 10-20 hrs as a PT and fitness instructor this meant a total average working week of 60-70 hours. This was fine but training myself was getting tough to fit in but i was just about managing..... but then.............
As with all relationships early on came the dating.... the eating out, the drinking.... the lets have a takeaway night in etc etc................
initially work stayed the same, so what lost out you may ask? well my training schedule did and as a result so did i.
Everyone says with love comes a belly........ :-) initially mine didnt the high work load and running about kept the weight off, but soon i became run down i did not have enough time for everything. not only this but my already hard hit training schedule was dealt more blows and i was just too run down to train as i always have.
what happened you may ask? well i was happy and initially my muscle mass kept my metabolism high so i didnt see too many adverse effects, however with the low training i soon lost muscle mass and with that came the belly....
i am ashamed to say i have put on just over a stone ooooops
so what do i do? well i soon decided my health and happiness were more important than my work or bank balance and even my clients (what kind of role model am i if i put on weight) so This has meant i have now come to the decision to stop Personal training (for the moment) and just teach my tri club and spin classes with effect from the end of this month.
this means i have now regained some me time, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
i am happy as larry, very much in love but also very ready to banish this belly back to where it came from!!!!
so i appologise everyone for falling of the blogging wagon, but i hope you can see why, and i also hope this shows all of us fall a little now and again but as long as it is recognised and a plan put in motion to stop it in its tracks then we will win
Fat mairi will not get her claws back into me!!!!
watch this space for updates on my progress...
P.S im even taking my running shoes on holiday with me next week :-)
yipppeeeee!! Great to see you back! I knewed it was L.O.V.E.!! xxx