appologies all, i know it has been some time since i ranted on about things, however im sure you did not miss me too much.
so much has happened in the past few weeks.... i have officially become a fully qualified Personal Trainer, come back to my dreary job, had several interviews with David Lloyd Health club in nottingham (to which the final one is tuesday... and its looking good for my new life to start there), made home made jam (which i am utterly proud of and generally started making some positive changes to my own fitness and nutrition regime.
so where do i start.... well the Personal training bit is my most exciting news i guess, however i will miss the many fun times we had in london i am now raring to go with it and all being well David lloyd will be the place for me to do this. i still have a mountain to climb doing my normal full time job as well as part time PT at david lloyd but it will hopefully be an enjoyable and challenging moutain....and eventually will lead to me reducing my dreary hours behind an office desk and filling them with far more exciting times running round studios helping my clients find the fun in fitness!
Jam making...... ooooooo i had fun here, my loacl parks are currently bursting to the seems with blackberrys and with a little help from my sister Mrs B a jam recipe was gained and the jam challenge set :-)
now in this process i learnt a few things....
1. firstly do not go blackberry picking in shorts and flip flops injuries will occur
2. always watch out for bees.... it is not wise to pick them,,,,, you are infact after blackberries after all
3. never leave blackberry jam unattended...... unless you want your kitchen to look like someone was murdered bruttaly in it.
5. only ever keep one pot for you and give the rest to friends they will throughly enjoy this.
so there you go a wordy and waffly update..... i will try to ensure i do more
i cannot quite believe all the hard work is finally paying off and i am now in a position to truely share this with others..... if i help but a few my job here will be done.
xx Mairi
yayyyyyyyy!! good work laydeeeeeeee!