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Sunday, 6 June 2010

Ball week is officially over..... now to conquer the world

Well this week has been hectic, i made it to the gym only once..... but i spent more than 80 hours working much of which involved heavy lifting, tractor driving (yes tractor driving the only way to get much of the stock and equipment to the grand marquee... one of my now many talents), decorating, being a make shift maintenence girl, electrician, and general all round organiser! but i loved it.. the ball went amazingly, i even wore a little black dress. And i managed to eat fairly well dispite the hectic days and long hours even resisting the free chocolate fountain.
Now i am so looking forwards to heading back into the gym..... im also really excited because i have now recieved my final info and exceptance letter  for my personal trainer course! i start in 2 weeks and i cannot wait! Finally i will gain the experiance, knowledge and qualifications to enable me to help  others who are in the situation i was in. If i can motivate just a handful of people to a happier healthier more balanced life... my work will be done :-)

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