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Friday, 30 April 2010

2 weeks to go..... my itchy feet will soon feel the tarmac again

well as you all know i have been struggling with ITB syndrome, this has meant over 3 months without being able to run. But good news! i saw my physio yesterday who along with giving me a million more excercises to do (where i will fit them in to my day i have no idea!) she has also said that all being well i will be back to running in 2 weeks! woohoo
now ofcourse this does not mean i will be sally gunnel straight away... its more likely i will be just running a few minutes a day to build up gradually, and believe me i will be listening to all the advice i am given. i aim to run the half marathon again this year and hopefully shave some time off and i can only do this if my ITB stays under control. so a gradual build up it is, first to 5k ready for the triathlons i have planned and then on to the 21 k i need for the marathon. but no problem it will be fine as long as i listen to my body.
i cannot wait to get on that treadmill or out on the road again. i cant believe how much i have missed running. only just over a year ago i would never have even run for the bus.... if i had attempted it i would no doubtedly fall over in a fat sweaty lump and miss the bus anyway! Now i reckon i could beat the bus!
So come on 2 weeks run by so that i too can feel the pleasure of a sunday morning jog or the elation of crossing a finish line... i have missed you my friends.


  1. Whats the name of the Half-Marathon where running so I can sign up to do it with you in Nottingham as soon as I have the cash? Going to also do run to the beat for a laugh.

    You need to get a Nike+ so we can run together! They've got challenges on there aswell I'm aiming to run a challenge covering another 700 miles this year! Keeps you well motivated and a little Nike man gets fat on your facebook page if you have'nt been running for a while!

  2. lol, i would love a nike+ but dont have the pennies. the half marathon we will do together is the robin hood, cant wait will be so cool to have all three of us doing it. a sibling gang :-)
    saw your challenge once i get running ill do it :-)

  3. e-bay it! An invaluable training aid for runners. How do I enter it I checked runners world it wasnt listed for this year on there?

