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Monday, 15 March 2010

Change of plan

I had finishes another long day at work and i was heading for the gym when i decided on a change of plan. I headed home........ and no i didnt stop there..... i picked up my four legged running buddy and headed for a near by lake for a sunset run. Im so glad i did it was gorgeous, with my ipod on and new running jacket donned i thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery.
It wasnt the fastest 5k ive ever done but im still carrying a nagging IT band injury, but it was such a breath of fresh air.... its been so long since the weather and sunlight has allowed for this sort of thing and now im feeling positive about the year to come. every day will get warmer and longer and i will be able to get out in the great outdoors more often.... who needs a gym when you have this on your doorstep.... ok no i wont be giving up my treasured gym membership but i will be spending more of my time outside, and only heading to the gym for classes and strength training. No treadmill beats pounding the pavement.
Hurrah for changes of plan, and my four legged running buddy!


  1. looks idyllic wish I was fit xxx

  2. it was gorgeous... looking forward to more sunny evenings

  3. yipeeeeeee!! photos of you! Love it! great post!
